Sunday, 22 September 2013

Prelim Task Research and Planning

Tasks to be completed and posted on blogs by Monday 30 September:

The Mark Scheme

Research & Planning: 20 Marks
Planning and research evidence will be complete and detailed;

o   There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience;

o   There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props;

o   There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding;

o   There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning;

o   Time management is excellent.

  1. Set up a blog and email me your blog address:
  2. Write your first blog post – Introduction to Brief
As part of my AS media coursework, the brief requires me to create the front page, contents and a double page feature spread of a new music magazine. I have created this blog in order to record my research and planning which will help me to produce a successful magazine.
  1. Write your second blog post - Introduce Preliminary Task and Action Plan for Preliminary Task
Before I start the main task, I first will complete the preliminary task which is to.....
  1. Post generic conventions research on blogs
Here's a student example from last year:

Generic Conventions of Student Magazines 

  1. Research and Planning: Textual Analysis of a student magazine
For this task I would like you to analyse the front cover and contents page of a student magazine. 

  1. Research and planning: research target audience

Next step is to research your target audience. Before you begin designing the magazine you need to establish what the audience, students, want the magazine to look like, what kind of content they want in it…etc.

Think of five – six questions that you can ask to help you identify what the audience – students – want from the magazine. Possible questions to ask could be:

       Layout / style
       Colour scheme / visual style
       Language style
       Images / of who? / locations?
ü  Ask questions that require more than a Yes / No response.
ü  Find some people to ask (3/4 would be ideal)
ü  Film it using Photobooth
ü  Upload the video file on to your blog and add a short commentary which
explains what you have learnt from the research.

7.  Research and planning: initial ideaCreate a blog post called ‘initial ideas’ and outline your thoughts / ideas so far about what kind of student magazine you are going to create.

You could use the following subheadings:
House style / brand identity
Mode of address
Central image
Use of language
Colour palette
Use of fonts

A clear and concise initial ideas post

8.       Research and planning: Experimentation with fonts, colour schemes and mode of address / name of magazine
Three separation blog posts which demonstrate that you have thought about each of these areas. The posts do not need to be very long but they do need to reflect that you are basing your decisions on what you’ve found out from your research: audience and genre.

9.       Research and planning: Mock ups
Produce a mock up of your front cover and contents page. 



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